Microsoft Teams

Good Afternoon everybody.

Here are a few videos that explain how to upload your work to Microsoft teams whilst you are doing your work at home.

This first video shows you how to upload a picture of your work.

This video shows you how to submit a word document to an assignement.

This final video helps you if you are completing your work on a tablet.

Thank You

Mr Bean

Home Learning

Good Morning Year 6,

I hope you are all keeping safe and well.  I was in school last week working with the children of key workers – you can find the photos of what we got up to on the blog.

I wanted to share some activities that you could have a go at this week (I know that it’s half-term but you find yourself at a loose end!)



Story Starter 

Have a go at completing the story:

Moments earlier, she had been standing in her classroom holding the tiny port-key up in her hand, waiting for the magic to happen. With a flash and a puff of smoke they had vanished into thin air.

The port-key had taken them to some strange places before, but never to a jungle. The problem with port-keys is that you never quite know where you’re going to end up!

They gazed around them and took in their surroundings; the stifling heat and cacophony of jungle noises put the children on edge – they would have to be exceptionally brave on this particular adventure…

Sentence Challenge!

Can you write a description of what it would be like to be in a jungle?

You could think about using your senses, for example, thinking about what sounds you might hear around you.

You could also describe how you might be feeling.

Sick Sentences

These sentences are ‘sick’ and need your help to get better. Can you help?

The girl held the port-key. There was a bang and some smoke. The children landed in the jungle. It was hot. They were scared.

Perfect Picture

Can you draw a picture of the children travelling to the jungle using the port-key?


Here are this week’s words:

  •  impetuous
  • serene
  • tantalising
  • manoeuvre
  • sanctuary

5 words so one word each day

  • Find out what the word means
  • What word class does the word belong to? Is it a noun, an adjective, a verb etc?
  • Write an interesting sentence containing your word.
  • Write some phrases that contain the word
  • What synonyms can you find?
  • What antonyms can you find?
  • What prefixes and suffixes can be added to make new words?

Activity Club

As it is half-term Oak National Academy are not running lessons this week but they have set up an activity club:

There are loads of different activities that you can have a go at: cooking, science, DT…

Enjoy your half term, stay safe and I’ll see you very soon.

Mrs Hilton-Le



This Week In Peel Hall Juniors

Hi Peel Hall children,

We hope you are well and keeping safe with your families. This week we have been very busy in the Peel Hall juniors. We started with a project based around a great book called Egg Drop by Mini Grey.

Egg Drop Book Cover

The book tells the story of an egg that was determined to fly, even though the hens told him he couldn’t. He climbs a tower, jumps off and… SPLAT!! The children used the story to inspire them to write a poem written through the eyes of the egg. Then, they retold the story through a comic strip. The children also designed and tested a egg protector that would cushion the egg’s fall. Finally, they created some Egg Drop artwork with oil pastel drawings of the egg before the leap and after the leap. The colours reflected his feelings.

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We had a ‘mapping day’ on Wednesday. We went into the Forest School to create a story map and a natural materials map of the Forest School grounds. After that, we came back into the class to create an island with a theme of our choosing on a large sheet. We added some features to our island and put a grid over it. Then, our friends had to find the grid references of all the features. It was great fun!

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We also did some 3D art work of our hands and followed instructions of an illustrator to draw cartoon dinosaurs. They looked really cool.

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We’ve had a great week. Thanks for being superstars a trying so hard.

Mr Sutherland and Mrs Hilton-Le.

Home Learning

Good morning Year 6,

I hope you are all keeping safe and well.


How did you get on with the vocabulary I shared with you last week?  Why not have a go at this week’s words:

  • affection
  • devoted
  • elegant
  • cynical
  • frivolous

There are 5 words so have a go at one each day.  Here some activities that you could do:

  • Find out what the word means
  • What word class does the word belong to? Is it an adjective, noun, verb etc
  • Write a sentence that contains the word – make your sentence as interesting as possible and try to include some Year 6 punctuation : ; ( ) –
  • What phrases can you create that include the word?
  • Find some synonyms for the word
  • Find some antonyms for the word
  • What prefixes and suffixes can you add to create new words?
  • Why not have a go at writing a story that includes these words?

The Mayans

Had we been in school Year 6, we would now have started to learn about The Mayan people.  Have a go at doing your own research about this ancient civilisation.  Here are some things you could find out about:

  • Who were the Maya and where did they live?
  • Create a timeline of important Mayan events
  • Find how they worshipped and what Gods they worshipped – you could create a fact-file of a Mayan god. mayan god
  • Design and create your own mask or headdress for a Mayan priestmayan_mask_poster
  •  Find out about the Mayan number system. You could create a poster explaining the Mayan number system. Include facts about how important it was to the Maya people or even some addition and subtraction sums for your family to solve.
  •  Find out about John Lloyd Stephens and Fredrick Catherwood who created detailed documents about their discoveries.
  • Can you create your own drawings of Mayan cities, buildings or sculptures?
  • Find out about Mayan writing. Use Mayan hieroglyphs to write your name. Find your favourite Mayan logogram and copy it and write its meaning. You could even design your own.
  • You could create your own code using Mayan logograms and ask your family if they can work it out.
  • Find out about Mayan food – what did they eat?
  • Find some Mayan recipes and have a go at making them – you and your family could have a Mayan feast!

Tortilla Recipe

Maya Corn Tortillas Recipe

Hot Chocolate recipe

Maya Hot Chocolate Recipe

Remember Year 6 that you can also access English and Maths lessons at either BBC Bitesize where lessons are posted everyday

or Oak National Academy

I can’t wait to see what you have been up to this week! Send your emails to

I’m missing you all very much and hopefully we’ll see each other soon.

Take care and stay safe

Mrs Hilton-Le




Thank you!

Hi everyone,

I would just like to say a huge thank you to Lilly-Mae and Ava for sending in photos of the wonderful art work they have been doing at home!

lilly-mae photo

What a fantastic dolphin Lilly-Mae! I love the rainbow colours that you have used!

furnival 4

Ava I love this silhouette that you have created. Can anyone guess which scene from a Disney film Ava has painted inside her silhouette? Look carefully for the clues and comment below with your ideas.

The teachers love seeing what you have been up to at home, we are really missing seeing your faces everyday!

Remember you can email your teacher just to say hello or to send us pictures of what you have been doing during this time.

Send your emails to

Take care

Mrs Hilton-Le

Home Learning

Hi Year 6,

Hope you’ve had a lovely bank holiday weekend! I decorated my house for VE Day and had a lovely but small gathering with my neighbours – socially distanced of course! Let me know what you got up to.

Here are some home learning links for you to have a go at this week.  Over on BBC Bitesize in Maths you are multiplying fractions and mixed numbers by integers. In English you will be learning how to write a report (something we have done in class) and if you fancy revising work you did in Year 3 on the Ancient Egyptians than have a look at the History lesson – Who Was Tutankhamun?

Meanwhile over on the Oak National Academy website, in Maths you will be learning how to describe coordinate positions on a grid. In English the writing focus is on Instructions but you will begin that topic with a reading lesson. In History you will be learning how to  write an essay about the First and Second World War – writing essays is something you will be doing at high school so it’s a good idea to get in some practise now!

Why not have a go at learning some new vocabulary. There are 5 words so you could have a go at one each day. This week’s words are:

  • essential
  • impetuous
  • instead
  • daze
  • suffice

Here are some ideas of activities you could do with these words:

  •  Find out what the word means and write a definition
  •  Find out what word class the word belongs to: noun, verb, adjective etc
  •  Write the word in a sentence
  • Create some phrases using the word (remember a phrase doesn’t contain a noun)
  • Find out some synonyms for the word (remember synonyms are words that have a similar meaning)
  • Find out some antonyms for the word (antonyms are words with the opposite meaning)
  •  Find out what prefixes or suffixes can be added to make new words


Your challenge this week is to find some chopsticks (or something that can be used as chopsticks such as pencils, pens or the end of a spoon!) Then, using something round like beads, peas or beans, attempt to pick them up. Your challenge is to pick up 10 of your objects in a row without dropping them! Send in photos of you completing the challenge!

Ok Year 6 I would love to hear what you got up to on VE Day or see some photos of the learning you have been doing at home and remember to Share A Talent (see the post about SATs week if you haven’t already).

Take care

Mrs Hilton-Le



SATs week

Hello Year 6,

I hope you have enjoyed the bank holiday weekend!

Well what a strange this week is! Yesterday we should have enjoyed our Sunday Brunch and started to get our brains into gear ready for our SPaG test which would have been today.  I want you to know though that all the hard work that you put in before lockdown and all the hard work you have been doing since isn’t wasted and I wanted to share this poem with you to remind you how amazing you all are!

An Ode To Year 6

As SATs week arrives it is not quite the same,
The tests that were printed this year never came,
The displays are still up; walls full of Maths 'rules',
But Year 6 very different, right now, in schools.

For some of you happiness, lots of relief, 
For others a sigh of pure disbelief, 
That you worked really hard leading up to this week,
Expected and Greater Depth marks you did seek.

Fractions, decimals, times table drills,
Inference, retrieval, in-depth reading skills,
Past, present, progressive and all the SPaG terms, 
You've practised and mastered them over the years.

Year 6 you're awesome, you're amazing, you're great,
Exams don't show off your achievements, your chances to celebrate 
The skills that you have, you've learnt and you've grown,
Whether in class or at home on your own.

So here at Peel Hall you've made us so proud
We sit here with pride and we shout this out loud...
"Year 6 you amaze us, you've come incredibly far...
And we don't need a test to see how amazing you are!

Love from all the Year 6 teachers 

So this week Year 6 we are asking you to do a different kind of SATs… we would like you to:

Share A Talent

Send us a photo of you doing something that you are really good at. It could be a photo of you dancing, playing football, drawing, anything that you think is your talent! Send your photos to the school email address: and we will share your talents on our school blog.

Look after yourselves Year 6 and hopefully we’ll see you soon.

Mrs Hilton-Le and Miss Allen